Sunday, July 29, 2012

My walk in the yard this morning

Morning Glory

Crept Myrtle

Turkey made from a propane tank

Brass Bed - Strawberry plants are behind flowers

Zinnia - they look so vintage as they are dying



Black Eyed Susan

Gerber Daisy

This is a sweet potato vine growing in one of my
compost beds.  I had 2 sweet potatoes that we did not eat and
they started I buried them in the compost
early in Spring. Did you know if you put a sweet potato
in a jar with water a plant will grow. 
Great project for kids.
Cotton is growing in the field in back of sweet potatoes.


I call this a trumphet vine

Bell Pepper plants - lots of small peppers are still
on the plants

Eggplant is still hanging in there.

Hope everyone has a really great week!

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