Tuesday, April 30, 2013

On my way to the post office

Pictures of our garden.

This morning glory is at the post office..it thrives
on neglect...it's a cloudy day but look how the light
is shining through the center...it's like there is a clear
bulb in it.....absoultely beautiful.

Honeysuckle growing along the old dirt road that
is by my house. The smell in intoxicating.


This cactus grows at the edge of our property
and down the old dirt road.
This picture is in the fall..I'm told the maroon
bulbs on the top are edible...haven't worked up
enough courage to try.

You should see the dog in the strawberries finding the
perfect one to eat...and she knows to choose the
red ones...her limit is 4.

I call it a bottle brush plant...beautiful

Garden pictures...still have a few things to plant.
cabbage and broccoli
kudzu bugs have invaded south Georgia...but this
is not kudzu....it's my wisteria.
I will be mixing up a special cocktail for them
today when the dew dries. They feed by sucking
the nutrients from the plant...glad we noticed them
before the plant was destroyed.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Country living is the best

We have lived in the country for 13 years
and have loved every minute of it...or almost
every minute. It was such a nice day here
and we opened the front door to let the
sunshine in. A few minutes later my husband called
me to the living room where laid a snake in
the coiled position...the cat had been playing
with him. So we pick him up and take him outside
and dispose of him. About an hour later I saw the
cat out of the corner of my eye and she had
a skink about 5 inches long in her mouth. So I
chased her to the bedroom, praying that she
kept him in her mouth...thinking all along
that if she lets him go  I will never catch
him under the bed and will not get a good nights
sleep until he he is caught.  She held him tightly
in her teeth and I took him out of her mouth and
put him outside. The picture I am going to post is
a much bigger one for those of you that are not familiar with
skinks...they are harmless..but I still do not want
them in the bed...I did not take a picture of the
one she caught. Oh, by the way for the past two nights
I have had dreams of snakes.
do you know what kind of snake this is..I could not
find it on the internet.
There was about a 1/2" opening where the rubber flap
on the glass door had slid to the right..so that is back in place now so
hopefully it won't happen again.

Then about 2 hours later I heard the cats growling...like cat fight
growling. So I go to the living room and the inside cat is trying
to attack the cat outside through the glass. Ziggy adopted us
a few weeks ago..he is our barn cat. He proudly displays his
catches of field rats for us. 


So we have had an exciting day here.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just a quick post

I just finished this doll and she will be
living in California. She is 24" long
and I used a Raggedy Days
pattern. There's lots of detail/character
and that is why I love making the mammy dolls.
I especially like the shoes.
I made the sunflower from muslin and burlap.