Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Looking for Ragballs

I decided to go look for ragballs...I need a GPS to find things in this one room...but I found them.  I'm beginning to like this shoe polish technique more and more....takes on a whole new look...it now has purpose.  Have a great week.

My first adventure with shoe polish

I bought this little oval tin (9" long x 3" high) for $ .99 at a thrift store...sprayed it yellow..then rubbed on  brown shoe polish to age it.  I am not really sure if I like working with shoe polish because of the odor and next time I will wear gloves...shoe polish under the fingernails is not an easy one to remove.  I really like the finish, but I don't have enough courage to use it on dolls. Rag balls would be cute displayed in this.
This little Annie is wearing a honeybee fabric dress; I added black trim to the waist, made a little yo-yo with a black button in it for the bodice of the dress, her hair bow is black with a black and yellow bumble bee. She is holding a primitive bee..with curled gold wire for antennas.  I started with a pattern by charmingsbycmh...love her dolls.
This little Annie now lives in Texas
This little Annie is made from coordinating fabrics. I started with a pattern by charmingsbycmh...I just love her dolls..they have so much personality. I also made her a little handbag and lined it with the stripe fabric like the hair bow and the bottom of her skirt. If you scroll down, I used the same fabric in the skirt I made for my granddaughter.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh sure...I can fit into anything

Cats are so curious..I use these baskets for the projects I am working on...what shall I do with this one. There's 19 pounds of cat in this small basket. 

Caught a shot of this little guy over the weekend....look closely..his tail is only a couple inches long. I saw him running  across the yard the other day..all I could see at a distance was the backside view of him...and thought...looks like a squirrel. We were in the craft room and my husband told me to get the camera..that he had no tail....love the zoom on the camera...he is enjoying his pecan breakfast in the warm morning sun.  We have 10 pecan trees so there is never a shortage of nuts for the squirrels...keeps them out of the bird feeders. In the background is a pulley (I think that is what it is called)...probably very old..was here when we moved in.. has grown into the tree.   Have a great day!